- mobile phone
- audio player
- car remote, several guarage door remotes
- USB drive
- headset
- notebook or TabletPC
- digital still camera
- digital video camera
- at some point: GPS
My ideal portable device will have all the above and more:
- it will be one and only one
- a lot of storage space to take all my media (100GB maybe?)
- high-res, high-zoom still and HD video camera
- 3CCD
- a good media (A/V, photos) player
- good-size, high-rez screen
- advanced PDA functionality
- good VoIP software; switches automatically from GSM to WiFi or WiMax
- comprehensive connectivity (WiFi, bluetooth, 3G, WiMax?, wireless USB)
- replaces other devices (home remote controls, guarage door controls, car keys?)
- integrates with my smart home systems for remote monitoring and control.
- a good wireless headset (which I can use for any audio device around me: TV, PC, etc.)
- more far fetched: I can use it with ATMs, POS and ticket counters at theaters, museums.
I will be while until even some of this wishlist becomes true, as this requires so many haedware/software development breakthoughs and corresponding catch-up from service providers and location owners.
P.S. I also use too many tools to manage my media: a few for photos (picassa, Adobe PhotoShop Album, Flickr), one for audio (Windows Media Player), and a couple for video. I want to be able to manage them all from one and only one tool.